This is the present ohh, not the past.😎 

You are wondering how I was not imprisoned my people MIRACLE NO DEY TIRE JESUS.🙌🙌

Since the movie audition and movie location didn’t work. I went back to my apprenticeship/internship. I was on unpaid sabbatical leave.😎 Coupled with everything I have been through🥴 I deserved one. 

Moreover, I was not about to leave without exhausting the money I paid to learn this skill and putting my Madam to shame when I officially showed her my first standard outfit.😎 Well, it looks like today is the day that I will show her and tell my madam that I have been learning and my brain is not filled with carrots😡

Nobody told me welcome when I resumed work, not that I expected any.

A customer requested that my madam sew her a corset gown for Aso-ebi,(bridal train). She had already picked the style she wanted and showed it to my madam when she came to the shop, who then told her to send it to her via WhatsApp.? My Madam is really good when it comes to making good outfits. She is not a "what you ordered vs what you got kind of tailor" 😎you know those fashion designers people travel from far away to see, she is in that category. She is really good. I didn't meet the customer. I just saw that the material of the clothes had been cut already when I resumed work which is the most complicated part. All other apprentices were busy and my Madam had a lot on her plate. So she asked me if I could go on with the sewing. I readily said yes, she asked again and I replied in the affirmative. She handed the materials to me after sending the styles to me on WhatsApp and warned me that if I got confused I should let her know. It was urgent work, the customer needed the outfit in a week. The next day my Madam had to travel for a fashion event and told me that if I got confused I should ask another apprentice or call her.

✂️                                  ✂️                           ✂️

Within me, I knew I could do it, so I started sewing this gown. Because I couldn't complete it at work, I took it home. I didn't sleep. I didn't bother asking others for help. I wanted to prove everyone wrong. The style the customer selected I didn't like it. It was dull so I decided to spice it up just a little bit. I don't know how it happened but the corset of the clothes is at the front right now, I am trying to loosen it but the tear keeps expanding. I know what to do, I would go to work on time and ask the other apprentice to help me fix it. I had no idea that my Madam was already on her way back and had told the customer that she should come so she could get her waist measurement. I remember I told my Madam the waist was quite small….

✂️                       ✂️                                  ✂️

"Hmmmmmm"; I didn't know what to do and say the moment I stepped into the shop on Friday I saw my madam and the customer in question sitting down. DID they fly? This is my madam who comes to work late but today she came early. "Ah" "change is indeed constant"..

Are you sure she is good? I heard the customer asking her. 

"Yes; she is, She has been with me for 6 months now and the simple styles I asked her to sew so far are good.

No problem, the customer replied, but these are not simple styles,see said as she waved her phone towards my Madam's Face. Relax, my Madam told her while patting her hand.

Kamsi my madam beckoned on me as I was trying to settle in, Ma! I  answered. Bring the outfit so we can check the waist. She needs to wear it so I would know if the waist will need to be expanded.

"Kamsi" she called me again

"Didn't you hear me"?  I said bring the outfit.

I heard you ma. The bag is deep. I am trying to find the outfit- as I plunge my hand deep into the bag moving my hands and pretending not to pick anything. I didn't know when my madam came forward, dragged the bag and pulled out the clothes. She spread it with her hands as she handed it over to the customer who took it to go and change. Did they not see the breast cup at the back I wondered. Please let them not see it. I prayed silently with my eyes shut. 

The next thing I heard was why is it very long, longer than the bride's own? The customer said as she came out from the dressing room holding the gown in her hands, she was staring at my madam who in turn was staring at me. It is not my day. 

"Ma"  this style is called "All Your Enemies Must Run."Eh" the customer shouted

What! How? my madam shouted. I didn't teach you that 

"Ma" YouTube did oh, I said- I am very versatile.. 

While is the breast cup at the back of the gown? my madam asked me as she tried to lift the gown to zip it but it seemed not to go up further. , it is a back cup, not a breast cup "Ma".


"Hewwuuuu"; This Girl has killed me, my madam said with her hands on her head.

"Ma, you can't die," I said in consolation.

While it is at the back then, not the front…"Ma" you know fashion is spontaneous and as a creative person once it enters my head I put it down so it doesn't evaporate. 

I just said let me t…r..y….I said stuttering.

Really?  "Yes Ma;

The corset is not fitted, why is it small? the customer asked me.And it's even in front😡

"Ma" you don't have a flat stomach so this part is not my fault it is your fault when you go to the gym, It will become your size. This is a conditional outfit. 

What do you mean? She asked with annoyance and pain on her face 

"Okay, let me explain, I continued-that feather I put on the sleeves.  I pointed to the sleeve of the outfit… is good for the dry season without harmattan but if you wear it in harmattan you will fly away as the feather will be flapping. It is a flapping hand. Don't wear it in the rainy season unless it will get drenched.

You know what the customer said furiously. By now my madam was sitting down just staring into space; remove this outfit from my body she requested as she struggled to remove it , other apprentices had  to help the customer out.

"Ma" these clothes can't come out because you are angry.. In fact very angry…it works on mood…if you smile now it will come out…. 

She started smiling.

"Ma" it's not from your heart that is why it is still not coming out. 

Tell your heart to smile, and it will come out. I think this last statement is what got my madam very angry because right now I am running as my madam is chasing me with a stick😪😥😢. 



Drop your comments,and kindlyShare.

Thank you!

P.S. The writer of this short story has no intention of body-shaming any body size. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.

This is fiction. 

Thank you! And Compliments of the season.

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  • I am open to writing jobs and opportunities — specifically on topics relating to self-improvement and development, entertainment, social issues, storytelling for business 😎, lifestyle and education.

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Storyteller/Content writer


Always take care of you, yourself and your body.  
