"Forgerrittt" (forget it) I fine (I am fine)

I am a complete speck "ohhhh"😎

You people should just leave this beauty thing for Kamsi because you can't compete with her. All this Kamsi was saying as she stood in front of the dressing mirror applying a lip gloss to her pouty mouth. She stepped back a little then came forward again, looked at the mirror and nodded in approval. "God dey create oh," she said.

The door to her room was opened and her mum came in, she could see her from the dressing mirror.

Where did you even say you are going again, this girl? Mummy I told you yesterday I am going for a movie audition with my friend  Favorite, I am going to give her moral and emotional support. I also want to get a number for her because she is coming from Umuahia though she said she would soon be here because I just spoke to her on the phone. But let me just go, I might get there before her."Okay oh" her mother replied, " call me when you get there and don't stay out late. 

"Okay ma"

 You are strong ,You are brave ,You are bold 

She didn't know her mum hadn't left the room as she moved to hang some clothes in the wardrobe. 

What's this one that you are doing talking to the mirror? "Ah"... .mummy you are still here, Kamsi eyes locked with her mum from the mirror. Mummy it is called affirmation. What are you affirming her mum asked with her hands on her waist.....anyway, on your way out tell Elliott's mum that I am less busy now.

"Okay ma"

Kamsi quickly touched her not-so-evident make-up and soon was on her way. She informed Elliott's mum of the message her mum told her to convey when she got to her shop before she boarded a keke(tricycle)to the movie audition. She called Favorite on the phone and she informed her that she would soon be there in the next 1hr …

On getting to the venue. She noticed they were already giving numbers and she had no other option than to take a number on behalf of her friend who hadn't come. The line was moving swiftly as there were different sections of persons handling the audition.

Soon it was Kamsi's turn and her friend hadn't arrived, she wondered what was keeping her. She tried her line again but it wasn't going through.

Are you going inside or not? A lady behind her touched her on the shoulder.

Is it my turn? Kamsi asked no one in particular. What should I do now….she contemplated while biting her lips. Kamsi had no other option than to go into the audition hall. 

Inside the Audition Hall

"Good day" young lady, a handsome dark-skinned man probably in his early thirties greeted her as he was sitting behind a table with two other men and a lady. They were four in number. On the wall of the hall, different pictures of actors and actresses were hanging. 

"Good day"! Sir. 

Kindly introduce yourself- My name is Kamsiyochukwu. I am a graduate of Economics. I am here to audition on behalf of a friend.

"Ehhhh" the only woman in the panel raised her head.You said what she asked again?

My friend is the one auditioning but she's not here yet, she is coming from Umuahia so I decided to get in line for her but she's not here and it's her turn so I decided to come in for the audition. If I am selected then she is the one selected.

"Okay", the woman replied after she gave her fellow panel members glances.

Can you act, the handsome dark-skinned man asked her.

"Yes sir"

When was the last time you acted…In SS3 that is senior secondary 3 Kamsi replied. "Okay", he continued further; What have you acted before? A lot Sir Kamsi answered; like what? let me know, the man pressed further smiling. Well, I have acted in various roles, Kamsi continued;

In Nursery 1, I acted as a tree. In Kindergarten, I acted as a flower. In primary 2, I acted as a banana tree. In primary 4, I acted as a beautiful princess. In primary 5, I acted as the orphan girl. In JSS.2, I acted as a blind girl. In SS.1, I acted as a queen. In SS.2, I was the drama prefect. In SS.3, I acted as the wicked stepmother, I killed my husband and his children. In my first year as an undergraduate, I acted as the chosen child. In my third year, I acted as an angel that came to heal a blind woman. In my final year I acted as a wealthy woman..."Cash mama"

"Wow"!…. the other man at the extreme gasped. What a resume...

(You asked for it)….Kamsi muttered

"Erm" act as a mad woman the dark-skinned handsome man took over. Immediately Kamsi burst into laughter. What is this, they all asked together. "Ma" nothing…this is the introduction to the madness you asked me to act, you laugh first announcing you are mad before you continue.Next, you scratch your head, Kamsi immediately started scratching her head...

"What"! they all shouted...Immediately her friend Favorite rushed in. Kamsi quickly remembered she texted her saying she was in Hall C, so if she got to the venue, she should ask for Hall C and come right in..…

"Sir; my friend is here, Kamsi said breathing with relief, she is an actress. They kept staring at her as she excused herself, none of them uttering a word.

Did Kamsi do anything wrong?

Kindly drop your comments

I Hope Favorite gets selected ohh"

What do you think?🤔

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StoryTeller/Content writer 


Always take care of you, yourself and your body. 
