RICE POT
 Do you know after cooking rice the bottom part that sticks or dries in it? Do you!

      Fabulous always tells her younger brother that if he is the last to finish the last portion of the rice, he should pour water into it so it won’t be hard to wash off. But he never saw reasons with her even though she tried explaining over and over again; Just take a cup of water from the sink or drum and pour it inside the pot'' SIMPLE; she always tells him. A few days later he was asked to wash the pot of rice by his mum who wanted to use it; he dare not disobey”
He tried so hard to wash the pot but the bottom was very difficult to come off; he came to complain to Fabulous who encouraged him to wash harder, after so much effort the pot was washed up and he grudgingly came and informed Fabulous why it took so long to come off, and she replied if you had poured water into the pot a few minutes ago it would have been easy.
A few days later, she noticed that he started pouring water into empty pots both the ones that needs it or not provided it has been used and needed washing and he continued since then. Fabulous asked him why the sudden change and he said ‘’Why stress himself when there is already an easy way out, and also he is getting the pots prepared, himself ready in case he is asked to wash them, he wants everything to be fast.


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