A few weeks ago, a little distance from where I live there was a ghastly accident on the bridge a container was on top of a person's head who was on the floor. It was terrible, the road was shut down completely throughout that day and all motorists had to make use of the other lane. Imagine a father telling his family goodbye only never to return-May their souls rest in peace. Now a lot of questions were asked about what caused the accident-so many stories were flying around and in conclusion a lorry with a container on it lost its brake and crashed with another lorry that was spoiled but was parked and together causing a series of destruction on other vehicles and tricycles on the road. Before the end of the day the governor gave a directive that all lorries should stop driving during the day, and they should start driving during the night which was how it was before they began to flout the order(kindly note this word).

Who Is A Citizen Of A Country?

Section 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria gives more clarity on who a citizen of Nigeria is; it also emphasises more on how one can become a citizen.  But for this article, we will use the general definition of who a citizen is. 

"A citizen is a person who, by place of birth, nationality of one or both parents or naturalization is granted full rights and responsibilities as a member of a nation or political community"

In secondary school, I believe we were all taught the duties, rights and obligations of citizens right?

Which Include;


🌹Obedience to the rules and regulations as regards the state and country 

🌹Payment of taxes as at when due

🌹 Use of government property carefully.etc

(You can't drop other duties in the comment section)

I Am A Bad Citizen How?

Maybe bad is a strong word but let's leave that for now; Today, we are not going to talk about the effort the government is making or that which is not making. Today we are going to ask ourselves this simple question what effort am I making to make my state habitable not just for me but for generations yet to come? Back to my introduction story now, lives were lost because an order was flouted, and the order had to be reinstated again. Does something need to become extreme before we make corrections? When last did you obey the simple laws regulating your society? This is not just about you but me, this is about every citizen of this country. 

🌹When last did you throw the waste into the dustbin not in the gutter or dump it on the road?

🌹When last did you throw that snack wrapper in the dustbin and not on the road?

🌹Traffic lights are meant to be obeyed not for decorations, Do you obey them?

🌹There is a speed minimum on that vehicle but no, you insist on trying out your fast and furious skills on a road pedestrians are also using.

🌹You are crossing the road all of a sudden you decide to try your model skills on the road instead of walking fast.

🌹When last did you participate in sanitation for your street or neighbourhood 

🌹I know you are a musician and you are talented but do you need to be blasting music from your headset and earpiece when crossing? How would you concentrate when crossing the road? etc.

In all of this I don't care attitude and not my business, let's all think and ask ourselves if this country were to be my house would I leave it tattered and unattended to?

We can do better as citizens.


🌹Follow my blog 👉parrout stories for more updates — to follow(click on the three lines at the end corner of the blog page and when it opens, just click on follow)

🌹I am open to writing jobs and opportunities — specifically on topics relating to self-improvement and development, entertainment, social Issues, storytelling for business 😎, lifestyle and education.


Storyteller/Content writer 


Image by qalebstudio</a> on Freepik
