“Please don’t tell me to start from the beginning”…
“Okay”, I get it….
Let me start from the beginning because you may not understand. But I want you to remember that someone’s heart got crushed.
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I think he likes me Vero said, It was as if she was talking to herself yet loudly because I could hear her as we all packed our bags to go home as the school bell rang.
“How do you know”? Naza quickly asked her as she slammed her wooden locker to lock it with the padlock after sorting out the books she would need for the weekend.
"Well” ….Vero continued shyly as she strolled to sit close to us(this is going to be a long gist I said to myself😓) Meanwhile the other students had all gone to the hostel — if you want to be a day student in my school you have to go to the school management and explain — it better be a tangible reason. We all met in JSS2, I, Naza and Vero and since then we have created a strong friendship bond over the years. Now in SS3, we are so thick as thieves that even when one of us gets punished we all suffer it together💪😊. Is not even possible because we always end up committing the same offence and being punished together(I still don’t know how these always happen 😏). And one more thing — my school is an all-girls school….
“Well”… she continued..
What??.. I quickly asked her as we all sat down. Me sitting on top of a desk, Naza sitting by my left on a stool and the girl who thinks she is in love standing in the middle.
He waved at me today again as I got to the junction.
Because you waved first I quickly interjected — I also wave at people too Vero and they smile and wave back at me.
No! This is different, he has been doing this since last week. Once I am coming back from school or coming to school he is always sitting at the front of that shop ….(She used her hand to point at an imaginary location where the shop was located)
Probably it is coincidence Naza said have you ever wondered if that shop its his mother’s shop?
“No,this is different his eyes always glitters when he sees me…..
Glitters I asked confused, How can someone’s eye glitter when they see you😂 🤔 This your imagination is getting out of hand ohh☹️and this guy is way older than you.
You know what, I quickly cut her short as she was about to go defensive. Why don’t we monitor it today and see what happens — By the way we need to leave, you know I live far away. I bent down to remove my socks exchanging the one I wore outside with the one inside. We quickly rubbed our powders with Vero taking extra special care on her lips where she was carefully applying her lipgloss. Looking at the luvers windows she nodded in confirmation of how beautiful she looked. I closed the classroom windows as we exited through the door after switching off the bulbs and fans.
We got to the gate and waved at the gate man who wished us a happy weekend and we waved back. Then, we started trekking to the junction that would lead us to our various homes. We got to the shop of Vero’s crush and I insisted we buy some TOM TOM sweets😋. The girls obliged me. He was at the counter selling, and Vero quickly pushed past us to go pick up the TOM TOM sweets from him. Asking the prices of other commodities that we all know she does not have the money to buy🙄. How about this Valentine’s card and teddy she asked while smiling unnecessarily, it is 2,500 naira, he replied..
Is it the card or the teddy or both I asked. Both he said. Love must really be expensive I muttered. Any other thing he asked us….
Vero was lost looking at his face. I quickly quacked her and thank God she found her way back😜.
He is asking if you need anything else — no! she replied as she smiled and collected the package. “Bye”, he told us as we came out from the shop to continue our trek home.
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He is just being kind I said, I see nothing ohhh..me too Naza said. Maybe he is just shy Vero quickly added ...Shy I muttered — “Hm”
We walked a short distance(almost at the junction) we immediately heard someone calling us. I turned to look back. It Is him ohhhh. Vero’s crush. “Oh”! my God” she shouted …
I am going to walk fast so that he does not see I am interested. What is that my 2go name again Ohhh 🤔; in case he asks you it is VerroStarr1. She started walking fast. Naza and I stared at each other. We were lost. We didn’t know whether to go forward or stop. We just froze.
As she kept walking fast — almost close to the junction..
He quickly ran past us and dragged her hand back😶I have been calling you, do you think I want to collect your number? You forgot your change💸. We were just an earshot away so we heard everything. He quickly handed the 10 naira change into her hand and angrily started walking back.
My heart Vero shouted😫 She froze on the spot. What heart I asked?🤨This one she pointed to her chest, it has been crushed. Take the TOM TOM you bought, it will soothe your voice when you are crying Instead of it being cracked, it will be melodious…
I quickly waved them goodbye as I crossed the road to go home. As Naza continued consoling Vero……(who had no tears in her eyes)
📌So that's how my friend's crush crushed her heart.
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TOM TOM is a sweet that is use to sooth cough and dry throats plus it is enjoyable 😎it contains mild mentol that clears the throat plus adds fresh breath🤭since I have been a child Tom Tom has been in existence that is to show how consistent they have been…they’re different flavours such as classic and fresh lime — Kindly follow and check them out on fb@Tom Tom Sweet and Ig@tomtomsweet_ng
📌It is available in stores,shops,supermarkets and kiosks.GET YOURSELF A TOM TOM SWEET TODAY!!!
📌 #storytellingforbuisness.
Always take care of you,yourself and your body!
First Picture@ Image by <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/young-depressed-adult-home_29973146.htm#query=Black%20girl%20crying&position=0&from_view=search&track=ais">Freepik</a>
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