Book More is an idea that was birthed because of the zeal and love I have for literature in general.
The aim is to have a deeper understanding of a literary work, by expounding the work. By so doing, the audience are enlightened and we all get to share our views and opinions concerning that work/novel too.
📌This is in no way a means of advertising a novel or a literary work whatsoever.
We will be talking about different literary works focusing for now on novels. We will also be exploring the works of different authors both national and international. And I know we are going to have a great time here.
📌So once again welcome to the first episode of TheBM Podcast.
Ever heard of "The Potter's Wheel written by Chukwuemeka Ike -On the first episode of TheBM Podcast, we explored and talked about the different characters in this book, appreciating their various roles and also analyzing the themes.
Click and Listen to the FIRST episode of the TheBM Episode🔥TheBM Podcast S1(Ep1)
Till next time
Always take care of you
Yourself and Your Body
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