ROOM 300(CHAPTERS 30, 31, 32, 33)👑👑

ROOM 300(CHAPTERS 30, 31, 32)


So, how are you feeling he asked again, looking from Mr Black to Darima who was now standing beside her

I feel tired, my head hurts so badly and my eyes are so heavy.

Do you mind excusing us Mr Black so I can properly examine her;

You too the doctor told Darima;

Okay; she replied briefly touching her friend's hand before they all filled out.

(a few minutes later the doctor came out to meet all of them in the reception hall)

So how is she? Black asked; sensing the doctor was about to escape him and dodge"

"Well, she is fine he replied"

Okay, he replied, he pressed further to get more information.

And, I will not say anything further the doctor replied until Madam Hope comes in here then we would know.

And the test, he continued, will be carried out "right"

Look young man I mean Mr Black I understand your point but we have due process for everything and I need to speak to an Adult….

He immediately cut him short

Do I look like a child to you ……..

Is she your responsibility? The doctor asked, and at that point he became silent.

I see the doctor replied; if you will excuse me I have other patients who are waiting for me.

With this said he walked away towards where Darima was standing.

Darima you can go in now and be with her "okay"

The nurses will soon get you both something to eat, and Madam Hope will soon be here "okay"

"Okay; she said 

(With this he took the folder from the nurse that was standing beside him top; the nurse led the way as he followed)


You know is not every day we get someone defending us or our interest the way you just did

Thank you! Mr Black 

He turned towards the girl who was standing beside him 

Sorry, we have not been properly introduced or should I leave that to Becky 

Well... or I can just introduce myself now 

"Okay; she replied go ahead 

My name is Valentine Black Orehos but my friends call me VIBS 

And you are?

 Darima one of Becky’s best friends 

"Oh; he stretched his hands towards her and clasped his hand with hers 

It is my pleasure to officially meet you 

"Yeah" she replied shyly 

I think I should just go back inside and be with my friend; 

I will wait right here until Madam Harmony comes just to make sure the doctor carries out the scan 

Turning to enter the room and he removed his phone to answer a phone call 

Hey, Black, she called at him

Yes, he raised his face up 

Becky will like to tell you Thank you in person 

Really; he smiled looking hopeful 

Yes …………………



Hey, Becky replied trying to grasp everything going on 

How did he know? 

I am coming, Darima said let me use the restroom 

(a few minutes later)

So, to answer the first question when you bumped your head he was the one that carried you from the field to the school ambulance, then here. He came with Madam Harmony; 


I had no idea he was going to be there.

(Trying to stand up )

"What do you want? Darima asked"

If you need anything let me know "okay"

I just want to sit a little bit straight, I am so hungry 

I know, the Doctor said the nurse is getting us something to eat;

So continue, Becky persuaded her to continue the details of the day 

So, he is insisting they carry a scan on your brain or its head, to make sure everything is great and okay with you; the doctor is telling him to wait till madam Harmony comes and he is insisting they carry it out now.

Isn’t he so sweet;

Whose voice is that they both strained their eyes to the door to see Zi 

Zi, they all shouted 

Thank God! You are fine, she quickly rushed to hug Becky 

All thanks to Black aka Vibs Darima shouted 

Girls stop Becky told them as she tried to use her hands to cover Darima's mouth up 

Well, you do not need to cover Darima's  mouth cause I heard everything 

"Oh" really Becky gave a side eye while laughing 

How is Sharon ………………………………….


Well, I left her after the doctor examined her and could not find anything possibly wrong.

I came to check up on you but her room is quite far from here.

Yeah, considering how big the building is one can get lost;

How did you find the exact room Darima asked

I asked around, and a kind nurse on duty helped me out 

"Okay" Becky replied 

So, what next?

We wait for Madam Harmony to come then we know what next 

But I do think we need to go check up on Sharon 

I do not want her to feel left out; 

Because she did put us into this mess, Zi replied( she needs to feel left out Zi muttered at least this will teach her a lesson) 

Come on girls’ she is our friend;

What if something worse had happened to you on the field Darima continued 

Well, thank God nothing did and I have gotten a lot of attention already 

Oh yeah; (zi replied winking her eyes up and down)

No, not that I meant, Darima is here already.

"Yes, Sharon carried it the wrong way but her heart was in the right place 

I do not blame her, she just wanted exclusive baby girl treatment…

In the hospital (who gets that in the hospital zi asked)

What do you expect from her, she feels this is the only place you can get one. Moreover, one that's sick gets a lot of care so probably her heart was aching for attention.

I have an idea, Darima immediately interrupted.

Since Sharon wants exclusive treatment why don’t we throw her a birthday party? 

In the orphanage queried zi 

You of all people know that Chief lady is an anti-celebration person unless you are her favourite and we are not.

I think it is her church well I for one respect everyone's choice but do not inconvenience others with it. The fact that your church does not celebrate parties should not make you stop others from celebrating.

Live and let live shouted Darima.

We have to make this work! Anyhow; 

Make what work a masculine voice came from the door..........

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Storyteller/content writer.

