"What kind of question is that; if I am happy
I had no idea that she bumped her head
"Oh my; this is not playing out the way I planned it
(Zi turned her head away and headed towards the direction of the door)
Do not tell me you are abandoning me here come on;
I had no idea and sincerely I am sorry!
Can you just be quiet, not everything is about you Zi replied
I want to go and check on Becky to at least know how severe the wound is;
And you already feel much better.
So, what should I tell the nurse when she comes?
"Are you asking me"
Are you not the queen of make-up stories(Zi answered angrily )
Tell her something anything
I do not care! (Zi angrily opened the door and left)
As Sharon muttered "I am sorry" silently while she laid back down.
(In the room assigned to Becky at the clinic)
She could feel someone's hand pressing down on her head
His scent was powerfully intoxicating but in a good way
She tried to open her eyes but the pain was much
All she could hear were voices
What now, doctor, she heard a voice which sounded familiar but she could not see(God help Sharon when I get hold of her) Becky swore under her breath.
Well, the bump is not much but the pain is what "I am more interested in;
Because the young man who bumped into her, his head is way bigger and heavier; the bump shows the force and pressure.
Ermmmm; can you please run a scan, you know to make certain that her brain and head are okay; he had no idea when his hand got to her head and placed it there;
Why? The doctor asked, this girl is an orphan and also those responsible for her at the orphanage just told me to make sure she is fine and if there is any other thing necessary I should inform them.
And they are not here yet he said and she is yet to open her eyes; so we have to wait until they come before we start intense treatment; if money is the issue direct me to the accountant so that I can make the necessary payment okay;
Listen Mr…….(the doctor stood confused while trying to remember his name as he turned from one nurse to another everyone seemed not to know his name)
Valentine Black Orehos(The "h" is silent he emphasized and pronounced Oreos)
Or simply; Black
Wait, I know that name Becky said to herself(while still trying to open her eyes)
"Oh my; she remembered it is "HIM"
Her eyes opened suddenly;
Like I was saying, Doctor
Black continued you have to carry out a scan to make sure her brain and her head are perfectly fine and that nothing is injured or damaged.
Well; Sir, as I said, I can only take orders from her guardians.
But, I was among those who rushed her In;
For crying out loud, My father is a Patron of Hope Orphanage and this hospital or clinic has benefited much from him so you either do as I say or if in the nearest future, this young lady here is being held down by this injury and it is being traced to this event. I will sue you and this entire hospital for negligence ………
She is awake Darima shouted ( she has been sitting at the end corner of the room looking from one person to another, they seemed not to even notice her)
What! they all shouted;
They all turned towards the direction of the bed to see Becky trying to raise herself up
He immediately rushes to her rescue to help her up.
Easy, he said as he guided her gently, putting a pillow at her back to make sure she is more than comfortable.
Are you okay, he asked staring at her in such a way that made her insides melt
I am fine, she said shakily
"My throat"
Water, the doctor said (asking the nurse to get her water)
After drinking a gulp she exhaled
( Meanwhile, the doctor has already signalled one of the nurses to call Madam Harmony)
This is getting more interesting.🤗
What do you think will happen next🤔
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