At some point, it’s okay to take a deep breath and let it all out. Blow off the steam. Sometimes when you feel hurt let the tears flow. It certainly doesn't make you any less human. The fact that you can do this is an indication of true strength.

The state of being hurt is accompanied by unhappiness or sadness, usually caused by someone's triggering words or actions. So what do you do when your emotions are triggered? 

  🌹 You can cry 

  🌹 Sit in silent 

  🌹 Shout at the top of your voice 

  🌹 Call a close friend and Speak to the person

  🌹 Give yourself time to feel better 

  🌹 Sleep

  🌹 Stay Indoors

  🌹 Eat well so you can have the energy to cry

  🌹 Drink lots of water

  🌹 Lock yourself up and cry so you can feel better 

  🌹 Look at the mirror and cry till you feel better 

  🌹 Pray 

You can't force people to act rightly, but one thing we all have control over is our reaction to these actions. Don't let anyone dictate to you how to react to being hurt. All hurts are emotional and deeply felt, be it from academics, work, stress, or life in general. So instead of bottling it up and trying to act like it doesn't exist, I suggest you open up and LET IT ALL OUT. 

Feel free to shed a tear or two if you need to. So yeah, this is me telling you that your HURT & PAIN ARE VALID. 

In the words of Tiny Bubbha:

  "Healing doesn't have to look magical or pretty. Real healing is hard, exhausting, and draining.  Let yourself go through it. Don't try to paint it as anything other than what it is. Be there for yourself without judgement."

To everyone going through a process of pain or hurt: you got this; everything will be fine.

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