The carcasses of a black ant
A bat's skull
Seven life scorpions
Seven eggs of a cobra
A black mad cock
That has crown once.
All this and more were requested from Enyidie and her daughter-in-law Ndidi by the Native Doctor to appease Ndidi’s spiritual husband so he could allow her to have a child.
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In secondary school one of my favorite novels was Sons for My Son written by Onyekachukwu F. Onyekuba…and it's a play.
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This play talks about the challenges of a married woman who was trying to have kids and her mother-in-law who would stop at nothing to make sure her dream of becoming a grandmother is achieved🤧. Her problem is “give my son a child” and for this, she went the extra mile to the extent of visiting a Native doctor who told her that her daughter-in-law (Ndidi) has a spiritual husband and listed for her the materials to buy some of these materials are listed above😖.
Getting to this page of the story I had some questions like the “mad cock”?? How would you know a cock is mad?? Will its walking step change? Instead of crowning would it cry🤔?? And the cobra how would you get the eggs? That means the cobra needs to be monitored to know when it will be in labour and an experienced snake dealer or veterinarian would take it up from there.
Hey…don’t fault my opinions yet🤭, I am just thinking out loud. But there was a solution since Enyidie and her daughter-in-law (Ndidi) couldn’t get these materials (obviously), the Native doctor asked them to give his apprentice the money to get it for them😏… of course, which market would sell all this? …
Unfortunately, Ndidi the daughter-in-law didn’t go back to finish the cleansing; she was fed up with all the herbal drugs and the rest. She opted to go to a pastor, but the result was futile.... She was heartbroken. Her mother-in-law was still pestering her. “Come on!”, give Ndidi a break! I was silently praying and hoping her mother-in-law would meet her match because what is this.? She waited 7 years before she had her own son, but Ndidi had not waited that long. At this point, I felt for Ndidi. 🤧
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Then there's Ndidi's husband Obiefuna who was supportive and encouraging but at one point, I got angry with him because of his reaction to an incident. But he apologized and I said he should not try it again oh😂😂😂.
Do you know when a person is put in his or her place without insults? … “Ahhha” you understand now, right? “Mhmm”… Nneka is Ndidi's friend, and she has always stood by her. One day Enyidie came over to Ndidi's house and started throwing her usual tantrums and Nneka gave it to her hot, hot, hot. A bottle of wine for Nneka😎.
I know you love your son, but this situation is not easy for either of them. The least you could be is supportive this is what I said to Enyidie before she had a face-off with Nneka😁but she didn’t listen to me😂
I just hoped Ndidi would finally have a baby. And it happened towards the end of the play. It was confirmed that Ndidi was expecting a baby. So, she escorted her husband to the airport that day not knowing her mother-in-law had already come to their house and poisoned a food meant for her😡. Ndidi was asked to rest by her husband when they got home after her husband’s flight was cancelled and it was confirmed their infertility issues were mostly from her husband’s end.…you see… but thanks to medical help.
After they waved each other goodbye, she saw her mother-in-law, greeted her and went to lie down. Her mother-in-law encouraged her to eat but she said later that she would wait for her husband to return from the office. Her mother-in-law (Enyidie) became suspicious.
She pondered if she was pregnant, but she said she could never be, and I asked her “Who told you”??… “Are you God”???? Soon the son came in he wanted to eat the food and his mother vehemently refused. He quickly confronted her, and she told him everything about how they needed to get Ndidi out of the way so he could have children. And he shouted what??? A pregnant woman. (emphasis on the word “pregnant” 😎) He ran into the bedroom and saw his wife coming out of the bedroom “aww”.…she didn’t eat the food.
He hugged her😢. Her facial expressions were asking so many questions like -Why are you looking scared?? Why is Mama standing at the door apologizing???
And he answered each of them gradually. The last question…to find out his answer go and read the book and find out for yourself😎. And by the way, even though the book didn’t add this part. Let me give it my own ending. Ndidi would go on to have four children🤭🤗, two boys and two girls and they would accomplish great things in life. Living happily ever after.
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Thank you for staying tuned.
I can't count the number of times I have read this book…It's still one of my favourite.🤗
There are a lot of moral lessons in this book and themes. Some themes include: -
- The theme of children
- The theme of family
- The theme of love
- The theme of learn to mind your business.
- The theme of religion
- The theme of friendship
- The theme of carrying your business on your head: - How you may ask? The way the Native doctor's apprentice listed all his boss's expertise and also was able to convince Enyidie the first day he met her. He knows everything about the business.
- The theme of lying and deceit
- The theme of forgiveness
- The theme of support.
- The theme of health
- The theme of motherhood.
You can add yours in the comment section.
Did you read this book in secondary school??
What was your favorite novel or drama in secondary school?
Hope it's not too late to wish you a Happy New year. I pray the Lord Favours and grants you success in all your endeavors this year. Amen!
Storyteller/Content writer
Always take care of you, yourself and your body.
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