13th Oct, 2023
6 am to 10 am
Today is Friday💃💃💃TGIF. Brethren the weekend is upon us☺☺...If you are a Nigerian you would know why I am excited well even if you are not, you can still relate to the weekend excitement.
Baby girl took her time this morning. I got my MUCH NEEDED BEAUTY SLEEP.
I was the last to leave the house today so you can imagine. Please I didn't go very late neither did I go early😉. I have missed my morning events🤔I had my devotion, had my breakfast - lazy around for a while before leaving the house. I don't know if early morning sun is vitamin A or B. But what I do know is that I got a lot of that Vitamin/Morning sun. It downloaded on me. I wore sun shades -maintaining beauty under the hot sun is not easy😂😂but beauty has to be maintained. I got to my junction a while later while I was waiting for the road to clear a bit and now cross, I noticed two men arguing. I just shifted to one corner before a blow left someone's hand on my face soon they were exchanging slaps and blows, the road became clear and I had to cross. Don't ask me what happened. I have no idea it is probably a misunderstanding that turned violent; some young men came out to separate them.
Meanwhile, I crossed to the other corner of the road to take a keke(tricycle) because of the traffic, the keke driver increased the price. I didn't have the energy to use my leg Benz and I had already stood for a while plus the hot morning sun. I just entered, persons were trekking(some got to their destination before we even passed the bridge) you may ask what always causes this traffic? In writing about my day challenge(day 1) I explained it there so you can read it there - I pray help comes soon🤲 Some Motorists still made use of one way; Some people's ears are just for decorations..... ike gwuru(it is tiring)🤨
The traffic was not moving at all(later on I found out it was controlled, that Is why we waited so the other motorists from the other intersection could go before it got to the other's turn which is the lane I was in). I just relaxed- President ABG&M cannot be stressed. Are you looking around to know who it is? It is me😉You can guess what it means but I am not telling. After about 15 minutes we moved. The keke driver followed another route which resulted in an almost heated argument with another passenger-he later apologised and it was resolved.
The first passenger got down and barely 5 minutes later I followed suit.
I am at work now.....
That's it for my morning
How are you doing? So far how is your day going?
🌹. 🌹. 🌹.
10 am to 6 pm
Got to the office and my day was filled with the usual office activities. I had my lunch-completed my task for the day and headed home. Got home, and ate plum(one of my favourite fruits, it is actually in season now, so you can check it and try it out🤗) Next, I ate groundnut and bread. I told you we always talk about our day whenever I come home. Now, a lot happened yesterday for my cousin😄😄and I was tired yesterday so we couldn't discuss it. But today I have the whole energy. It is 8 pm and we are still in the events of yesterday😂😂It's a lot, we never enter today's gist. She told me I should not try and sleep ohh and I dare not😂😉. I don't know when we will enter today's gist - That's it for today.
How are y'all doing
You all should join this challenge so I can share in your day experience🤗
Till tomorrow
Storyteller/Content writer
Always take care of you, yourself and your body
#wayd day 4 challenge
#writing about your day challenge(day 4)
#all writers
#medium writers
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