This is how my day went 🤗
10 Oct, 2023.
To say I had the most chaotic day will be an understatement. Well, when you are done reading you will find out why I decided to term it chaotic.
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Woke up early, had my morning devotion, because it is a Tuesday and as an Intern- I have to be on time. I tried as much as possible to finish everything I was doing on time. So by 8 am on the dot, I was on my merry way to work(after collecting t.fare from my dad🤗). Getting to my junction(Junction U), I met a coursemate of mine we exchanged pleasantries after which I stopped a keke( tricycle)at that junction to take me to my destination. Roughly the journey is meant to be 5mins. I am even calling it a journey. It is distance “abegii” (please)— but the road seems not to agree with this verdict. After we got into the keke(tricycle), we took off. Now, because some parts of the road not being motorable. Most drivers moved into the other lane(of those coming back) and the keke(tricycle) I was inside was among them. Just a further distance into the bridge most drivers started to turn back from the one-way lane because it was blocked and it was obstructing other motorists from using the road. But the keke(tricycle)I was in refused to turn even when his fellow keke(tricycle) drivers were turning back( who had embarked on the one-way lane)- a typical example of a “stubborn fly follows” …..you can complete it yourself🤔. Still, in the one-way lane, a lady fell maybe from trying to avoid colliding with a keke(tricycle) — I have no idea. I just knew she fell…. “Ah”…thank God she didn’t hurt herself “ohhhh” — (Is not me and you people this morning,I said to myself). I and other passengers simply alighted from the keke I was in, so the keke(tricycle) could pass a small path which was very inaccessible to meet up with the other lane.
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Guess what? The other lane has started to move, and “the patient dog eats the fattest bone”. His keke(tricycle) refused to move through that corner. So the two young men that were in the keke with me who also came down gave it a push twice and it finally moved. We all got in, I helped pick his slipper which fell(the keke driver's slipper)…. He tried to move then his front tire fell off… “Ah” ihe nkea ò gini — what is this? ….I said. I quickly paid and left. I entered another keke(tricycle) which refused to start initially, I had to say a word of prayer because it wasn’t funny🤲it did start few mins later and I thought he heard where I was going to because I was in a hurry. He was going to Road A while I was going to Road C. We passed the bridge to go into another intersection, he passed the road he was supposed to take to Road C. I quickly called his attention and he stopped saying he told us(I was with a young lady from the previous Keke I entered)but because we were in a haste we couldn’t hear or the reverse😓. Other passengers sympathised with us. He wanted to take a higher amount. I held his keke(tricycle) and begged him to take a lesser amount. Everyone was laughing. He took the amount I offered and I had no other option than to continue the journey with my leg Benz (I trekked to my destination). I reached by roughly 9: 15 am. So right now I am sitting down waiting for my Boss😎.
It is still 9:47 am and so far this is the events of my morning. If I say I came, I saw and I conquered it is not an overstatement🤣🤣. So what do you think? Is this not chaotic enough?…
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9:47 to 6:00pm
From the first desination we moved to the office. The remaining hours were filled with office activities typing, receiving visitors, photocopying documents. Haven my lunch(I don’t joke with food, my mum always makes sure we always go with a food flask with our lunch in it). As soon as it was closing hours I left to come back home. There was no serious drama on my way home. Trekked a short distance to the place I would get a keke(tricycle ). Waited for few mins before I got a keke(tricycle) to my junction. No much traffic just the usual rush after work by everyone — got down at my junction and trekked a short distance and now I am home🤗.
Let me know your thoughts by the way how have you been? Gist me what's going on.
(Note: the names of the road was withheld by me, I use the word work as a general term for where I intern)
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#wayd challenge(day1)
#waydday1 challenge
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Always take care of you, yourself and your body.
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