First abandoned at a local orphanage close to the hospital she was born at .
Very smart, shy and only tends to be talkative when she's with her friends.
On the day she was being transferred to the orphanage all by herself which in fact led to a serious problem later on . That was about two and half years ago, almost three years ago .
She was almost 13 and will never forget the young boy who assisted her that day . She didn't ask him his name but she could tell he was probably in his late teens even though she didn't ask him what he was doing there at that moment . But she could actually remember him asking the waiters if his order was ready.
His face looked so peaceful and seeing him the other day has actually made Becky so restless and uncomfortable ; The racing of her heart and sweating from her palm, Oh she prayed silently let him not be the one .
What was he doing around the orphanage and being at the back of a flashy BMW, the latest model she thinks, though Becky didn't know the exact model because she's not good with cars . That's Sharon's department . She has been acquiring the knowledge of cars so when it's time to get hers she is going to know which one to choose so she says.
Becky is a tall slim girl who has perfect features to succeed as a model. She is neither lacking in the looks department with a round face and full cheeks. Sharon always mocks her that she should do give away with her cheeks and help those who are cheek less; she still does not understand how someone so slim can have such full cheeks”.
Becky is not much of a complainer but when she does then you know she has had it up to her throat and probably it is now choking her. That's was actually the problem on this very Saturday morning
She went to the bathroom to use the toilet and she hit her leg because there was no light and even though they've reported to the Chief Lady she seems not to be bothered and the hit resulted in a big injury on her big toe.
Sorry, all of them told her simultaneously that morning when she told them what happened.”
I don't know why I have a feeling that Chief Lady purposely removed the bulb so we can fall to our death Sharon said"
Come on Sharon that place has been dark before the whole letter incident Dammy said
Yes, Becky joined but even at that we have reported so many times and she seems to not listen.
Or her ear is blocked with wickedness Sharon added.
I think we should tell her again; Dammy added maybe she has forgotten; she is in charge of a lot of things in this orphanage so let's give her the benefit of the doubt and ask okay”.
Okay ; Becky agreed. Meanwhile, let me go to the clinic so that this can be treated , I will come with you, zi said.
Hey! Sharon called them on their way out; What they turned to look at her and also get the reason why she called them
If the nurse asks you what happened Tell her it is due to the staff incompetence.
Eh; Is not me and you ohhh Becky replied
Let's go, zi pushed her gently as they left the room.
Sharon today is your turn with some other girls in cleaning and arranging the worker's offices.
Yes; remind me again I forgot she said dryly"
Off I go"
With that she left the room to face the day of scrubbing and cleaning.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
I noticed there's a bulb now in the toilet
Yes ;Becky said, later that evening when she got back from the clinic and her wound bandage”.
Well I got back and saw it that way Dammy said
Maybe Sharon was here when it was fixed
Let's ask her when she returns.
An hour later Sharon walked in with hands in her pocket
Sharon zi asked ?
Did you know who fixed the bulb in the toilet”
Yes", I do she replied"
Me”, What! they all exclaimed
While I was cleaning, not even bothering to look at their shocked faces, I saw a box filled with bulbs in the store room and I took one and fixed it.
“What if it was counted and to be used for something important? Becky asked her
Well she continued this she pointed to the now bright bathroom is something important “
"We're important very important "
You have to return it, Dammy said to avoid us being in trouble. "What if they come to fix it and they see there's a bulb? What are we going to do?
Well till then which I know is not anytime soon, she said this with her hands on her waist.
We cannot use it continued zi
Okay; agreed Sharon to their surprise
When you girl's want to use the toilet you switch the light bulb off"
And when I want to use it, I switch it on
How is that" She asked them to leave the door to go lie on her bed.
What!! they all responded,
I thought so, she said with a mischievous smile on her face.
We just wait and watch; after all who is going to notice one single bulb that just disappears; who ?
No one, she continued, not minding the fact that they didn't reply to her. Let's just go about our normal activities and eventually which I doubt will happen; If the authorities find out then we will figure out what to do.Okay; she said giving them a reassuring smile.
By the way, who wants to play Ludo, Sharon immediately shouted, not even bothered about anything.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
The Next Day In their Room
Hey girls zi immediately greeted them that afternoon as she walked into the room.
Hey,they all replied to her".
Have you heard
Heard what? they all asked her.
About career day . Okay, your not usually the news caster is actually Sharon, that's her position. More like her birth position Becky added immediately they all burst into laughter.
Okay," the thing is this you know the school career day is next week so we are asked to dress up like what we want and guess the spice up of the day."
What"? they all asked"
We are getting visitors, not just any how visitors but one of our patrons. He is visiting us that day and guess what", not waiting for reply he is coming with his son.
Okay, Sharon immediately asked why he was coming with his son . What's the point of coming with his son when he is going to be here himself?
Well i didn't get the reason why he is coming with his son but probably is business wise or personal reasons or he wants to show him the ropes of being a patron anyone; I just like the fact that we are going to have a breath of fresh air for the career day not just the teachers and the workers.
Yes ohhh " Sharon shouted am literally sick of listening to them. Is as if they come and tell us the same thing everyday and every time.
And I also heard we are going to be having a picnic before the event.
Is really going to be an all week packed with amazing events .
I seriously can't wait, shouted Becky.
Me too, the rest shouted.
The day was so bright that day; giving an affirmation that the day is going to go as planned.
The sole aim of Career day Is simply for students to dress up as their future profession and also discuss the possibilities of achieving their desired future.
In Sharon language ; career day is for rich kids, not people like us." We just want to survive in society".
The day started with the bustling of various students and their teachers all trying to outdo themselves.
After the presentation from different classes ended. The various speakers were all introduced as every student was rushed and asked to get their seats. And then I spotted his face with a middle aged man.
My mouth fell open, that's him, that's all I told myself. "Does a fairytale make its existence into reality?
✍️ Chyamakamike
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