18th Oct, 2023
6 am to 4 pm
Today I got to explore my state😎, you know the kind of exploration where you use your leg Benz and get to know closer and shorter routes to a particular destination😉That's the kind of exploration. I found out today that my area's post office is still actively working💪💪💯.
Let's go back to the beginning🥂
First, I had my morning devotion after which I had my breakfast and then proceeded to get ready. I had to rush up today to meet up with my dad so I could follow him and save up my transport. I did meet up and my dad dropped me.
At work I arranged some documents after I completed this task I had to have my lunch because I needed strength for the journey ahead💪😁. Then Mrs. A who also works in the office was asked to go post a document- at this juncture, I found out my area's post office is still working. Still not convinced I decided to follow her and she showed me different routes a person can use to get there. I was amazed. When we got to the post office we made our enquiry and we were directed to use DHL as the Post Office will take a longer time. So from there, we moved to DHL- after we filled in some necessary information as demanded by DHL our package was collected to get to its destination in a very short time.
On our way back we followed another route but something happened. Two men driving in different vehicles parked afront each other. No one wants or is willing to move. All I could hear was "YOU GO BACK", "NO IT IS YOU THAT IS SUPPOSED TO MOVE BACK" replied the other driver, they were saying this back and forth. We passed them, I don't know who later moved back for the other or if they are still there😂.
We got back to the office and right now, I am sitting down and writing, telling you all how my morning and afternoon have been. It's been an exploration afternoon...
How are you doing?
How's your day going so far?
Storyteller/Content writer
Always take care of you, yourself and your body
#wayd day 9 challenge
#writing about your day challenge(day 9)
#all writers
#medium writers
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