Are you confused? Please don't be; read through first, then at the end, your confusion will be erased. A few months ago I was to attend a wedding with my mum so on that very day(of the wedding)I wore my clothes and came to show my mum(in my head my clothes were peng as per G.I.F that is GIrl is fine, I just made this up, I don't know if it is a thing but it is my thing) Ah, my mum looked at me from head to toe and quickly told me to find another blouse to wear or change the entire outfit. I asked why? And she said "You are going for a wedding so you have to dress like a person going for a wedding, not this(she pointed at my blouse).

I want to believe I am not the only one who has been asked either by immediate families or friends to go change and wear something else(it may not necessarily be a wedding, they are other events).

Why? Are there specific clothes for specific events? Kindly leave your comments in the comment section. 

As a banker you can't wear a jersey to go to work(unless it is required or an outdoor marketing strategy involves so) but if not you wear a corporate uniform. As a lawyer going to court you can't possibly wear anything. Lawyers have a dress code and the RPC(Rules of Professional Conduct) strictly gives rules and regulations on how lawyers should dress( In Nigeria lawyers wear white and black, and this dressing code is instilled into them the moment they get admission into the University to study law)and failure to comply with these already laid down rules could lead to serious sanctions.

Now, if they are different clothes for different events how come your attitude towards everything is the same? You want to make 1,000,000 million dollars right? (at some point in your career or business right) We all want to, but the question is does your attitude show you want to make such an amount? The fact you don't take the little you are doing seriously and you portray a bad working attitude tells a lot. I believe we all have visited an ATM once in a while to withdraw or make payments. What happens is that you stand in the queue, and even in the bank you wait till it is your turn. If you try to misbehave, security will help you out so you can reorder yourself (and your brain) before coming in again. Why because the attitude you are portraying is not needed in that kind of environment(probably it would be more appreciated in the marketplace) So why deny yourself from having the best by portraying and giving a bad attitude? 

Vocabulary. com defines attitude as "a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways"

Bad attitudes include:



🌹Unnecessary fights and Arguments 

🌹Anger etc.

Good Attitudes include:




🌹Hard Work

🌹Minding your business etc. 

Probably what is holding you down is not your village people(a term we use in Nigeria when things are going sour), or the place you work, or even the people, or that skill you learnt or business. Have you considered changing your attitude towards your work? Try something else. Maybe if you switch laziness to hard work and accountability to procrastination your boss will eventually stop looking down on you. And I bet you the result is going to shock you. Go to work champ!

 “The most important thing you’ll ever wear is your attitude.” —Jeff Moore.

Wear a good attitude today.

Thank you!

Take care of Yourself, Yourself and Your Body🥂


Blogger/Content Writer/storyteller.

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