ROOM 300(CHAPTER 22)👑👑


Which one is exclusive fainting treatment (Becky asked looking at zi and Darima)

If you ask me na who I go ask?(if you ask me who would I ask)

Let us indulge her okay girls please"

Sharon enters the room (after the 10 minutes break she gave them)

Action (Sharon shouts) 

Even if this is Nollywood setup is not even like this Becky said sighing in confusion.(moving to take her position)

Sharon; Standing in the middle of the room, she does as if she wants to run and falls down 

At that point her friends all run towards her direction trying to resuscitate her 

Darima starting pressing her chest 

Becky trying to lift her leg up as Zi was trying to lift her body up;

At this point Sharon farted 

Which one is farting and fainting eh Sharon (at this point they all left her there with their hands covering their nose)

Why are you hitting my chest Darima are you a doctor do you want to give me a heart attack 

At least I am trying to revive you to avoid suspicion; meanwhile I am not hitting your chest, I was pressing it; I am trying to give you oxygen also known as CPR(Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

Did I ask you to revive me eh or give me oxygen and CPR(turning to the next person)

And no one is shouting she has fainted"

And you (pointing to Becky ) why are you lifting my leg do you want to break it?

You all are suppose to run towards me shouting 

She has fainted 

What does this complains have to do with the fact that you just farted into my face 

We were all bent trying to bring you back to life and you farted ….. 

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