ROOM 300(CHAPTER 21)👑👑


"You are very heavy oh (both Becky and darima exhaled after trying to carry her up for the third time)

You people are not getting it; is not this way;

You have to carry me like this (she moved to show them)

I think we will even faint from carrying you; 

You complain you do not eat properly yet you are so heavy(zi replied her while stretching)

So, what is the connection between being heavy and carrying me:

When you faint (zi started to explain) we have to run to the field to lift you up right; as good friends is that not the plan"

Yes, it is Sharon responded 

The thing is when we rush to the field after you have fainted where are we going to lift you up from?

From your leg or from your hands;

Because you are heavy ohh

That is the point we are trying to make 

And also don’t forget that the medical team will be around that day and actively working;

What if they come to meet you first before us and they insist on giving you an injection to revive you 

Then I will revive myself (Sharon replied)



Once I sense that the environment is changing like becoming tense;

I will stylishly cough and get up telling them I feel better

I just want to get the exclusive fainting treatment that is all…

🌹               🌹                🌹                    🌹

🌹Do you think Sharon will pull this 

"Exclusive fainting treatment through"

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