Sharon immediately quacked Becky by her shoulders are you okay; your mouth is open.
Close it before fly enters,
That is him becky turned and looked at Sharon with a genuine smile shining through her eyes.
Who? Sharon asked
Him is who, Zi asked as she had leaned in to eavesdrop on their conversation
The boy I met that day I was being transferred
Oh my Sharon said tiredly are we still on this matter.
I thought you had broken up with him
How can she break up with him when they are not even together Darima immediately joined
Is that how the break up?
How would I know Sharon said
This boy or young boy man
Which one is young boy man again Sharon
Well, a young boy man is one that is becoming a man but most times can be viewed as a boy because his parents are the ones still catering for him
Nawa oh; Zi sighed so what are you going to do Becky
I don’t know and he is sitting at the high table with his dad
And definitely you are not his type Sharon added
Really, darima cautioned her
Not now Sharon; Zi Added
I just want him to notice me so we can talk so that I can thank him for that day
Do you think he can remember Zi asked her
Is been long time
I don’t know becky said with exhaustion showing at the lines of her eyebrow.
What is this woman coming here to do now, Sharon pointed as Chief lady was coming through their direction.
Girls’ she called on getting to their seat something just came up
There is one more presentation you girls need to do the one you girls’ wanted to do but I shunned you both.
Which is what ma Zi asked
The one about the goals, vision of this place.
Oh Sharon gasped how the mighty have fallen she said silently
Sharon did you say anything
Oh, nothing ma
Ma we are sorry but we are not with any costume and we can’t do …...
We will do it ma Sharon immediately said before zi could would drop the No bombshell
And about costume we can actually wear what we are wearing
That is good the Chief Lady clapped
You guys are up in the next 5mins
Okay ma Sharon responded.
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