Parades herself as the toughest and strongest and they others are not bothered neither do they care. She can have that post Dammy once said. She's much of a talker and action not one of those who all talk and do nothing she talks a lot AKA TALK AND ACTION. She is ready to face everyone, have a fight with everyone to make sure things go right, she hates maltreatment and is kind of lazy and when asked she will always say is an ATTRIBUTE OF A WEALTHY WOMAN.Hates anything work and chores. She has this future she has envisioned in her head about making her own money and enjoying her life and not lifting a pin. "But that's laziness Zi told her one day you can't let people serve you like that".
"I don't care," she immediately countered Zi,"I am not forcing them to serve me but paying for their services which is different from your own kind of Serving.
There is no award or reward for highest sufferers or highest maltreated there's no not even paper award and moreover they'll be paid.
I hate maltreatment and wickedness so I won't do it to anyone. I will treat them all with respect and pay them all well.
"But zi since you like suffering you can continue in fact if you find your prince charming then you continue the suffering with him and you together will become longsuffering Sharon once told her"
At the end of every month she goes to the Administrative office in the orphanage to know if there's anything that has been found about her family and the answer is always No but she can't lose hope.
An Average size dark skin girl with a smooth complexion, with a beautiful dimple on her both cheeks which radiates her beauty and brightens her smile. Her eyes are just the perfect size and shape and gives her face a perfect look. In her words "Am a fine girl,a beaurry to behold and that definitely is what she is"
She always says at least her parents didn't abandon her in the looks department. Still a growing young girl with an outgoing personality. With a realist view of things. She was selected to submit the letter for obvious reasons.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
The day started like every other day’, the normal bustling of activities in the orphanage, everyone trying to dress up and be on time to class.
The girls having concluded their plan all dispersed to their various classes to meet later during break to know how far Sharon has gone with the plan.
She snuck into the office that day after hiding in the cupboard for over 30 mins in the receptionist office. She uses the break period to execute their plan to avoid trace and suspicions.
She immediately placed it on Madam Harmony table when she got up to go answer a phone call and after which she snuck herself out.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
How was it? The girls asked anxiously during the break period at their meeting point in the canteen.
Well, Sharon answered feeling very happy and excited as if she went on a police operation mission.
Standing in front of the girls she immediately started the explanations creating a crime scenario.
“At exactly 11:00pm on the dot in the afternoon on the 10th, I left class taking permission with the sole aim of fighting wickedness and seeking justice for the oppressed"
Okayyyyy,”zi replied continue
I escaped through the back door of the toilet then ran straight to the Administrative block as "Wonder woman" Becky said.
So, she said I hid at the front door which is by the left corner and escaped inside. Then entered the cupboard and………….
See Sharon Darima immediately cut there's no time later in the room you can tell us how you flew from the tree to the office okay. But now just go straight to the point
‘’Did you submit the letter on top of Madam Harmony’s table or not? We have class soon and your elaborate explanation is not needed okay.
Conclude it.
‘’Okay, Sharon said
I submitted it", I dropped it on the table; very visible where she can see it.
She didn't tell them she wrote with a Red pen "Emergency on the letter, Save a Child"
Yes, the girls all responded and hugged her.
Mission one concluded, now we hope she reads the letter. I hope Darima responds.
Immediately the school bell was rung and students began to run and walk into their different classes. At this Point they all dispersed echoing see you later from their mouths.
So far who is your favourite character😎
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