Two and half years ago
"The rain was pouring heavily that day, gutter filled to the brim, nursing mothers trying to strap their babies well so they can dodge the rain, road sellers raising up their umbrellas ,hawkers dashing to get cover"
That day on the 15th I think I was the only one enjoying the rain so much,it was pouring heavily on my face, washing down my sorrows, pain and heartache. Been standing there for like three hours now, waiting for the so called agency to come pick me, moreover why the rush is not that important so they've to take their time.
I had been transferred from St. Peter's Orphanage to a new one which I don't even know the name of and I don't even care to know the name. My only joy is that I am going to be in the same room with my friends from the previous orphanage home. They've been transferred long before me and even though we talk on phone I just can't wait to see them and hug all of them.
It has been like two years since I physically saw them last. We keep each other up to date with the various happenings in both orphanages and they've all told me and given me hope that I am going to enjoy my stay here .
After all what do I have to lose; literally
Still in my head I didn't know when a hand touched my arm, I guess he pulled at my arm a second time to actually got my attention .I stared at the face that had the most beautiful eyes,his cheekbones were perfectly sculptured, his lips were in perfect sequence, his nose pointed as if he never had a fight in school, his face felt peaceful and his touch just a little felt very calmly and when I stared at his eyes and looked at him,he gave me a smile that made me forget I had a problem, his skin colour was a mixture of honey brown, his hair curly which was carved perfectly without a strand popping out definitely due to serious maintenance. He probably will be in his late teens.
He asked me, what are you doing in the rain? '' I just stared at him and couldn't speak and he repeated the question"
" I replied,'' I am waiting for someone here. I don't know my way around, so I was asked to wait here for recognition.
"Alright then he answered, I have a table at that restaurant. He pointed to a building left of the road, you mean inside there I asked and he said yes. Let's go and sit, the place is warm and from there you can see when the person sent to pick you comes.
As if I was hypnotized I followed him like an obedient puppy, he held my hand and we crossed the road ,he held the door open for me to enter, I was wet but he offered me his jacket, when we got to his table, he pulled out the seat and beckoned on me to sit, I did"
I was shocked. Do such gentlemen exist? I asked myself, he sat down himself and smiled at me then I turned ,at that point water was splashed on my face and I woke up, back to a very annoying and frustrating reality.
Be fast we're late I yelled at, I quickly hurried with everything, literally swallowed my food I doubt if it digested, I raced to catch up with the school bus sent to pick us all up at the orphanage through and fro.
About crossing the road I waited for the traffic light to shine green, turning to cross, a car passed me with it's windscreen lowered down and I looked at that face I recognized it from where exactly I couldn't tell, like he knew I was staring he waved at me and I waved, the car speed off immediately and I crossed the road. My hands flew to my mouth, that's him, he was the suspect (who has obviously taken my heart and locked it up in the prison of love) the guy from the dream I had the previous day…
" What is it Sharon immediately asked me as soon as she noticed my hand flying to my mouth, I saw him again"
" Who she asked, " the guy, the one that helped me through the first day I came, you mean the one you always force yourself to dream about.
You have turned one little encounter that happened in a day to day dream and night cream.Should I go and start selecting a colour for aso-ebi Oh i forgot your still in secondary school sharon reminded here showing a fake shock face.
Stop it quickly Becky quacked her on her shoulder. That's not fair.Yes,is fair becky just one single meeting which happened by chance you're turning it into a fairy tale romance" do you guys have children already" grow up.
No, I am not willing to grow up,Becky scolded back, as for me I am going to continue and who knows…… Stop there, I am not interested in hearing the completed version of that statement Sharon told her after cutting her short.
Your choice, she snorted back.
At that moment we all highlighted from the bus having gotten to our school to start the morning assembly that will usher us into the day.
* * * * * * * *
Four Different kids from different backgrounds, all rescued and put together in an Orphanage home known as HOPE orphanage home. They are all allocated the same room.
🌹Ezinne known as zi is a 15 year old girl abandoned from birth, rejected by family relations and letting to go and suffer, she was picked up by a nurse who found her at the maternity hospital and was transferred to the orphanage when no one came to claim her.
🌹Becky is also a 15yr old girl who was born out of wedlock to a young mother who eloped with a foreigner to another country, and abandoned her daughter at the orphanage, Becky has no trace of any of her relations.
🌹Darima also known as Dammy is a 14yr old girl, her mother is late, her father remarried and decided he needed a fresh start by doing that he let go and abandoned his daughter at the orphanage.
🌹Sharon a 14 year old girl, with no trace or history just finds herself in the orphanage and she's still hoping to find more about her origin .
This story revolves around 4 girls all in room 300 in the Hope Orphanage home for Girls.
It tells the story of their growth, struggle, strength, love, togetherness,oneness,survival and fight for a better future(if they will all have one)
Tears will roll, hearts will be broken, friendship destroyed( will it be mended🤔I have no idea)
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
“What do you mean by you not sure about it? You have to be sure I am not ready for this at this point in my life; this was the discussion that ensued between zi's parents 15yrs ago.
Dropping the money on her feet he walked out of the apartment telling her to deal with it.
Looking at her baby's face, her Innocent eyes and her very pure smile she had no other option than to pick her up and drop her at the front of a maternity hospital at 4 months old. She was later found by a nurse who dropped her at the orphanage home.
A light complexion girl with very full thick hair and beautiful gap teeth with full lips that blossoms whenever she smiles.
She is the unelected leader of the four that is very good at organizing and making sure everything works as planned. She tries to make sure there's no manipulation in the orphanage and preferential treatment and believes everyone and every child deserves to be treated just, right and fair.
She has this fairy tale dream of meeting her perfect prince charming and falling in love and living happily ever after. But Sharon always tells her there's no prince charming in the orphanage or anywhere but prince hunger and charmed famine. Zi always laughs when Sharon realistically talks off saying if she can't have it then she's free to dream it.
I still don't understand how they expect us to cope with school work, skill acquisition and also daily cleanup. Come on, it is going to be hard. Sure Darima agreed as she joined in the conversation.
Is a Monday and they just all returned from School on getting to their rooms. They were called to the meeting room by the Chief lady in charge of the orphanage for the female and they were all mandated to start daily cleanup by themselves which will encourage them to be conscious of their environment.
But on a serious note Darima continued we have cleaners and I believe they're all paid for these reasons cause I don't understand how someone who is expected to clean a neat environment, is meant to be untidy to an extent in order for it to be cleaned.
“Okay, fine if we continue this work then what about the cleaners?
Personally I can't deal with this oh, I can't do this minus the fact that we all have a lot going on in our lives personally and emotionally and funds are being provided for the payment to the workers so why the maltreatment and suffering. So because our parents are not in our lives doesn't give anyone the right to treat us like less humans. Less humans Sharon spoke up they said clean not rob how is it less humans treatment is more like wickedness pro max i think……
Ignoring her, the other three continued. Since funds are not the issue here so we can't say it is non payment then I think we should just try and meet with Madam Harmony because she's the one in charge of the affairs.Personally no one should come and stress me at this point.
I definitely agree with you, Becky joined in at this point. Let's just try you know, you never can tell but before then let's write to the Chief lady you know and hear her response because it is not going to be fair if we go behind her. Let us inform her of how unhappy we are with the decision then after that we proceed from there. Yes am in Support Zi immediately said ,me second joined Darima
Sharon, how about you? What do you think” This is what I think literally I feel we should March with our placard and banner shouting" SAY NO TO WICKEDNESS" that way they'll know we are serious or we can dress like masquerade and frighten the chief telling her to change at this point they a burst into laughter seriously Sharon that's too extreme it has no gotten to that extent Zi said.
Well it can get to that point if we don't start it this way you know. I get your point Becky said but the thing is this we are not going to put everyone here at risk.Remember they're still underage kids here who have found a home here so we definitely can't do something to either make the board of directors close down this home and send us somewhere else a lot of us has bonded and found a home here you get it now Sharon.
Yeah, I do, she said with an exhaustive sigh and response.Zi you have a good handwriting why don't you write the letter then before the week runs out we'll take it to her office and submit it. Okay, no problem.
At that point they dining bell rang and they all rushed out to have their food.
The food is not tasty at all, who even prepared this kind of food Sharon lamented after they had finished eating and all gathered to wash their dishes. Why did you then eat it if it was that bad i asked her. Do i have a choice, is not as if, if I don't eat it there's another food waiting for me somewhere this one is starving and smiling. Sharon we are not being starved you know that i continued we eat good food and today your favorite food was not served does not mean that your being maybe some other time your favorite food will be served be grateful. Grateful for tasteless food with that she hissed and walked out after she was done washing her dishes.Don't stress it Zi Becky told her you know how Sharon is always dramatic let's go”.
Back in their room they were all trying to figure out the best way to submit the letter. I think we should go into the room and drop it on her table since she doesn't have a Personal Assistant or we can go in a group and Submit it to her that way she will know we are very serious.I agree with Sharon on this one Darima.How about you Zi what do you think after all is your idea to write a letter so the floor is yours or are you in support of Sharon.
"Well Zi continued i think two persons should but we should all sign in the letter if possible get the signature of other girls in from the other rooms that way is going to be enforceable even if she doesn't listen. What do you all think? A yes from me voiced Sharon,me two responded Becky, me three Darima quickly said.
All right girls let's do this 1,2,3 let's scatter Sharon shouted No Sharon is not scatter is 1,2,3 let's do it” who and what are we scattering the letter Sharon said. OH my they all responded tiredly before she was left standing there alone.
Yes, come in
"Good morning ma"
"Good morning Ezinne,what is it and how may I help you.
"Ma well I have a letter with me here and I will appreciate it if you can go through it and give us a favorable reply.
Okay, drop it on my table. I will go through it later and get back to you".
Thank you ma, I will take my leave now"
Do have a nice day.
With that Zi hurriedly left the office to join her friends outside. So how did it go they all asked her at once immediately they left the hearing of the Chief lady’s office.
Nothing much she just said i should drop it on her table and she'll get back to me so I did and I left.Nothing else Sharon enquired
No nothing else Zi said .I hope she gives us a positive reply.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
I told you people we should do this the violent way but you people said No and now she refused.Who? the Chief lady of course Sharon continued she said that she's not going to change anything that she's training us for the future.
But how can suffering be part of someone's future Sharon said before going to lie down.Faking a shock face holding her head "AM STILL IN SHOCK"
This is not fair, continue Zi this is total wickedness, selfishness and it’s not fair. You're just figuring out is not fair now, it has never been fair Zi continued Sharon. Turning us into slaves and housemaids; is not as if our laundry has been done for us no is not". We do everything by ourselves yet they impose more work for us but the funds are provided for other people to do the work and be paid thereby reducing unemployment” at that point Darima immediately rushed into the room with a smiley face.
"What's it Darima why are you smiling"
Well nothing serious continued Darima
What do you mean they all asked in unison”
You better start talking,
Okay ,Darima continued, the thing is that I have figured out how we are going to submit the letter.
How”? They all asked in unison again.
Since she's coming in this weekend to check up on all of us I was thinking one person could sneak into her office and drop it on her table but we have to make sure that the chief lady is not going to be around so that we can submit it to her directly.
Yea, your right cause if she's around she is going to boil us in hot water .
So to another part of the task who is going to submit it.
They all looked at themselves one by one. I think Sharon should submit..
Why me ? Sharon asked immediately.
Cause you like war Zi said
And you're the smartest when it comes to this type of thing continued Dammy.And also we know how you like doing things the destructive way and here is a golden opportunity so why don't you grab it by the collar and show the world your talent"
Please your not just doing it for us your doing it for everyone one at this orphanage Pleaseeeee they all began to beg her.
Okay, fine but on one condition you all are going to do my laundry as in wash my dirty clothes"
Why? Becky cut in
Because i'm risking my stay here by going against the rules so just help me out like am doing. Okay, fine we will share it amongst ourselves okay.
All right, no problem.
Let's go commit some crime
"Oh yeah; they all responded.
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