Darima wanted to cook and she always uses a local ingredient some people call it 'ihiìokiriho' is mostly use in peppersoup and it is very medicinal.
Meanwhile always saw her mum breaking it before putting it inside the pot to use so she also adopted that method of breaking it into two before use.
So today she decided to use it to cook jellof rice and because the size was not long she decided not to break it she just put it into the pot like that.
After the jellof rice was done she brought it down and noticed no aroma was coming out of it.
Meanwhile you will ask why she didn't notice before the food was done, she did check the food and thought that before the food was ready its aroma from the ingredient would come out . But the food had no aroma from the ingredient she used; in her head she was like this is fake. She was getting ready for war; she picked her phone to call her mum to complain. Then her mum asked her
Did you break it into two
Why didn't you break it?
And she answered her mum
I didn't break it; you never explained to me why you always break it
And I was tired so that's why i didn't break it
At that point it
It occured to her the reason it is always broken before being use is to enable its ingredients sink into the food properly and the aroma to come out properly.
She learnt new lessons that day
Is okay to try a new method to achieve something but if it dosen't work out don't beat yourself up stand up and move.
New methods also make you value the old ones; she always knew it had to be broken but tried another procedure with a different outcome.
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