
A group Assignment was given to Darima at School and they were sharef into groups with each group having a total of 10 members.

So no one in her group wanted to participate in the group assignment. They all left the work and she decided to do it all alone. She reached out to all of them to submit materials for the assignment but no one was interested(everyone was busy)

She even reminded them that their marks are at stake yet no one buged.

She had no other option but to do the assignment herself.

After the completion the submitted it. All was forgotten. 

🌹        🌹       🌹         🌹         🌹           🌹

Examination week dawned on everyone and then the examination day for the said course.

Everyone was ushered into the hall and the question paper was shared. Guess what!(Can you guess, please try) The questions that were given to her group as a group assignment were the exam question; three of the exam questions(to be precise). After each group assignment everyone is asked to go through and read each group's assignment 

Darima was shocked and also happy😋

All her efforts✅✅

She immediately started to attempt them….

And after the exams when they result came out she had an A😎

And It occurred to her that sometimes when you look at things from the beginning it looks difficult and unachievable but when you get to the end automatically you are grateful for the beginning and all the processes.The RESULT AT THE END TELLS IT ALL.

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