“Oga; we have been standing here on the queue for over four hours patiently waiting for you to call us in; and others are walking past us and going in”
“Is not fair” Mrs. Amanda complained bitterly to the security agent who was in charge of allowing people in for  registration for the Business Show off Mega Conference that will be coming up soon.

 She was there at 6am on the dot, so she can finish on time and this is 11am; and she has not even gotten the chance to enter and complete her registration; and some people would be allowed to enter once they grease the palm of the security man.

“Madam” calm down ohhhh 
It will reach everyone’s turn the security man told her”
“That’s what you have been saying for the past four hours and yet we are still stuck here no one is moving. Just those who………
Madam what is it?; the security man replied her harshly 
“Calm down; do you know how much they owe me; after all am the only security guard;
Only me he  emphasized; we are supposed to be two people but No; only one and me I have a family to feed and I need to source for my income.
“This is not THE RIGHT WAY she continued”
I know that things are NOT RIGHT; but if everyone keeps doing things in the WRONG WAY how are going to be able to correct it she continued”

The security man hurriedly left his duty post and went to the main gate and poked his head out of the gate looking from left to up; right to left
She and the others standing immediately rushed towards the gate ; thinking something had happened. 
“What are you looking for she asked curiously”
You said THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO DO THIS BUT THE WRONG WAY, so I came out to look for the RIGHT WAY”
But I cannot find it or is it them he asked her still with his head outside the gate. Do you think is on the billboard please point at it.
Everyone was stunned; they were all looking and staring at each other as the whole scene was playing out. 
“Okay now" 
When you see the RIGHT WAY come and tell me because I have been looking for the RIGHT WAY for a long time. 
“Meanwhile the security man continued NO RIGHT WAY, THE WRONG WAY BECOMES THE ONLY AVAILABLE WAY.
     *    *     *    *   *   *   *   *  *
Are you serious her friend asked her on the phone as she narrated everything that happened earlier that day to her during the registration process.
They both burst out laughing 
"It was not funny Mrs Amanda continued"
 I had to follow the available way that's why I was able to finally finish.
“I have a meeting to attend dear"
Fabulous mother immediately told her friend and they both hung up to continue the gist later"


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